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It's back‽

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:53 am
by JHS_Pichu
Oh man, I randomly checked PGamers just now, and was psyched to see the actual logo and a functioning forum. This is great!

I chose the username I used to use way back then. I think I was 9 or 10 when I first joined PGamers (I'm 31 now), under this username, and had a few other usernames during the various iterations. I remember back in 2000–2001 I used to run my own Pokémon website on Geocities, called "JHS_Pichu's Pokémon World". It's actually still findable on, which backed up a lot of the Geocities websites when the official Geocities was shut down a few years ago.

Anyways, good to be back. Now how to up the post count? Word association games anyone?

Edit: I did some digging in the Wayback Machine, and in addition to the username JHS_Pichu, it seems I also went by the usernames J'Søby, JHS_Phantom and dúnadan JHS, and I was also a moderator in some forums for a few iterations.

Re: It's back‽

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:19 am
by Shadow
I remember you as J'Søby. Welcome back! Too bad this place has been pretty dead, though. I wonder if there's a good way to spread the word.

Re: It's back‽

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:36 am
by Pokemonster
Yeah it's crazy that it's back. The nostalgia is real. I honestly keep forgetting to frequent since I found out but pgamers hits my memories once every couple months. I was a kid when I first joined, now I got a wife, a kid and another one on the way.

Re: It's back‽

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:18 pm
by JHS_Pichu
Pokemonster wrote:
Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:36 am
Yeah it's crazy that it's back. The nostalgia is real. I honestly keep forgetting to frequent since I found out but pgamers hits my memories once every couple months. I was a kid when I first joined, now I got a wife, a kid and another one on the way.
Haha, yeah, me too. Wife and three kids. Life is pretty different from when I used to hang around here (which also explains why it took me four years to reply to this)… :mrgreen: